Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
rv rohr-tiefbau including on-call service
track and switch renewal 22 stuttgart-vaihingen-rohr and 22 böblingen joint award
renewal of eü hexenbrücken ost and west km 186, 166 and eü schlachthofstrasse km 186, 915 in
supply of pharmaceutical discount contracts in accordance with section 130a (8) sgb v as part of open-house procedures
conclusion of a non-exclusive discount agreement according to § 130a paragraph 8 sgb v for medicinal products with the active ingredient
supply of crushing and screening plant for underground
mainz university medical center, migration of automation technology, specialist planning of technical equipment, anlgr. 8th
rental provision of led videowalls
delivery of licenses via an enterprise agreement
supply of lieferung von stacheldraht und metallpfosten