Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of enhancement of wifi and lan infrastructure ad schools in der sachkostenstr. des lk aö - lots 2 and 3
maintenance and basic cleaning, opt. special and basic r., glass cleaning
supply of hardwaretausch ils regensburg
hessischer landtag, sanierung stadtschloss, 2. ba, objektplanung gebäude mit restauratorin
supply of project tactical mobility, contract b, fall protection
procurement of mobile devices and storage trolleys
acquisition of a new digital 5-axis cnc milling machine center in the educational institution bge,
supply of pharmaceutical discount contracts in accordance with section 130a (8) sgb v as part of open-house procedures
conclusion of a non-exclusive discount agreement according to § 130a paragraph 8 sgb v for medicinal products with the active ingredient
supply of crushing and screening plant for underground