Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
m / smart gwa / mdm / im4g solution
technical classroom planning - holzkirchen middle school
l 26 environmental planning
renewal of the parliamentary group and meeting rooms in the reichstag building - technical equipment according to § 53 ff,
new building of the 3rd comprehensive school in gütersloh, new and renovation work, carpentry work, furniture and fixtures
architectural services for the extension of the dining room and general renovation of the existing daycare center,
supply of enhancement of wifi and lan infrastructure ad schools in der sachkostenstr. des lk aö - lots 2 and 3
maintenance and basic cleaning, opt. special and basic r., glass cleaning
supply of hardwaretausch ils regensburg
hessischer landtag, sanierung stadtschloss, 2. ba, objektplanung gebäude mit restauratorin