Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
new construction of the class and administration building for the gymnasium gars a. inn - plastering work
general renovation of the primary school and partially new building - planning services for technical equipment -
construction work on the mühlentorbrücke is planned. to connect over the channel at least maintaining pedestrian and bicycle traffic during the construction period is a preliminary measure temporary bridge to be erected in the immediate vicinity of the existing bridge
new building bbs friedenstrasse, friedenstrasse. 60-62, 26386 wilhelmshaven - new school building + sports hall;
ta-pl hls vocational school munich land alg 1, 2, 3, 7
ta-pl elt vocational school munich land alg 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
etfe roofs foil roofs for the new building of the helmholtz institute for functional marine biodiversity
civil engineering special civil engineering for a new building, a future project for the saarland chamber of crafts education center
extension for the hans-kammerer-grundschule and for the pestalozzi-förderschule with school preparer
management of the sewage systems