Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
reconstruction and renovation of the bürgergarten hyparschale lot 17 ventilation construction work
new construction of the class and administration building for the gymnasium gars a. inn - plastering work
new construction of the class and administration building for the gymnasium gars a. inn - plastering work
general renovation of the primary school and partially new building - planning services for technical equipment -
construction work on the mühlentorbrücke is planned. to connect over the channel at least maintaining pedestrian and bicycle traffic during the construction period is a preliminary measure temporary bridge to be erected in the immediate vicinity of the existing bridge
new building bbs friedenstrasse, friedenstrasse. 60-62, 26386 wilhelmshaven - new school building + sports hall;
hgu new building gtz elevator systems
new construction of a comprehensive school with upper secondary school in kolkwitz, lot 5 - carpentry work
new construction of a comprehensive school with upper secondary school in kolkwitz, lot 8-drywall
lwl clinic lengerich; site development planning lengerich i. ba; 21-561 e.