Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
the following services are available in straubing:the following services are available in straubing:
reconstruction of the sewage treatment plant - construction technology
roofing work
new sports hall in wettiner strasse, wiesbaden - lot 014, windows including sun protection
karlsruhe, new office building east; bimaabdichtungs- und plumbing work din 18336, 18338, 18339
kw schönerlinde ozonation - vp5: line construction
renovation, modernization and expansion of the central library mönchengladbach blücherstr. 6, 41061
creation of a tourist railway adventure landscape
demolition work for new construction and renovation work at the primary and secondary school in bischofswiesen
bürgerhaus kippenheim: carpentry and joinery work