Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
completion of a non-excl. discount agreement according to section 130a, paragraph 8 sgb v for the active ingredient follitropin alfa, atc-
vehicles for the emergency services
supply of 8 new or used anticrash pilot seats similar to airbus manufacturer no. 704a41120045
supply of einkauf von dampfsterilisatoren
framework agreement for presentation technology
leadership development
tnw stadtwerke neumarkt i. d. opf. leisure & life ku - renovation of outdoor swimming pools / adventure and swimming pools
single crystal x-ray diffractometer
conclusion of non-exclusive discount agreements according to section 130 a, paragraph 8 sgb v on sacubitril + valsartan
open house biologika rabattverträge 2021-20 - filgrastim