Latest and live tenders published in germany. Click on any tender to view further details.
ghk community hall - structural work
supply of city of cottbus - ov 269-2021 - spreeschule cottbus - energy-efficient renovation and barrier-free
supply of elevator systems
gy bismarckschule, g9 extension - ventilation technology
carpentry bt 4 forum
supply of cold and heat insulation work on technical systems
klempnerarbeiten für entwässerung eines daches eines schulgebäudes. gesamtsanierung; neue dachdämmung/dachhaut
new construction of the elisabeth-selbert-schule with 2-field sports hall, wiesbaden, lot 002 structural work
supply of ba fire sliding door
kuhdammbrücke over the havel canal km 21, 390, change from one to two lane width of the