Latest and live tenders published in italy. Click on any tender to view further details.
telematic procedure, pursuant to articles 58 and 60 of legislative decree no. 50/2016 and s.m.i. for the supply of
supply of services of personnel including temporary staff
open telematic procedure above community threshold for the entrusting of services
supply of polyelectrolyte for novara water plants. vco s.p.a ..
services of conduction, surveillance, control and extraordinary maintenance works of the plants of
cyclical and on-call maintenance services of the existing prm trolley fleet for the execution of the services
insurance services relating to policies combined with personal loans repayable by assignment / delegation
promotion and management of the historic train florence s.m.n. - ravenna and intersecting tourist routes
implementation of a multi-omics and inter-species workflow to derive human reference points and health-
service for the installation, rental, maintenance and assistance for fresh drinking water dispensers