Latest and live tenders published in kazakhstan. Click on any tender to view further details.
production of entomophage trichogramma
purchase and delivery of tractors, attachable equipment, tractor dump semitrailers for kurty fhse and ile-balkash snr 3 lots
development and execution of extended environmental education module in ile-balkash region
company/organization to develop a media and social media heforshe campaign to mobilize men and boys to counter negative stereotypes and toxic masculinities in central asia countries including creative concepting
development and execution of extended environmental education module in ile-balkash region
purchase and delivery of tractors, attachable equipment, tractor dump semitrailers for kurty fhse and ile-balkash snr 3 lots.
rfp - multi-country study on men’s perception of sexual and gender-based violence in central asia.
purchase and delivery of 3 small forest fire patrol forest fire fighting units for forest protection institutions and protected areas of almaty oblast
purchase and delivery of 3 small forest fire patrol forest fire fighting units for forest protection institutions and protected areas of almaty oblast to strengthen the capacity against forest fire fighting
call for proposals cfp for responsible parties for civil society organizations- csos