Latest and live tenders published in latvia. Click on any tender to view further details.
real estate market values ??and compensable losses needed by the company
supply of measuring wagon - laboratory kvlp-2.1 nr.00970061 nr.098 equipping with infrastructure object spread
nabagupe, makulite, vakša, cierpica, malnavina, paze restoration
provision of printing services liepaja city municipal institution “culture board” and they
supply of vehicle delivery
supply and delivery of laboratory goods and accessories iii
construction project building no. 1, 3, 4, 56 reconstruction ”on tvaika street 2, riga 1st stage construction works
renovation of the pavement of the national regional highway p127 talsi - upesgriva section 7, 110 - 34, 283
construction supervision services for the object “restoration of the tram overhead line and existing supports krišjanis valdemara
purchase of construction materials, tools and household electrical appliances.