Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.
modernization of the 220 kv mikulowa - lesniów line
delivery of explosives and initiating materials for the branches of polska grupa górnicza sa - group no. 246-1
rental of 98 vehicles from the segment c estate, d estate, c + hatchback and d + estate for the needs of the company in the division
successive delivery of steel divided into 10 parts
delivery with the installation of an automatic cell counter with fluorescence measurement with training
delivery of brand new lorry up to 3.5 tonnes
supply of spring or mineral water for employees of pp sa
dostawa i sfinansowanie w formie leasingu operacyjnego pojemników na odpady komunalne wraz z ich
supply of anti-odor preparations with the division into tasks.
selecting a contractor for the successive supply of reagents for organizational units