Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.
delivery, implementation and giving a warranty for a period of 36 months for two tape libraries
organization and logistics service of the educational fair "festival of competitions in malopolska in 2022"
"successive purchase of hot mineral-asphalt mixtures and cationic asphalt emulsion
"modern e-office in the commune of lososina dolna"
security of the wroclaw stadium in wroclaw
delivery of kits, precursors, reagents and standards for the production and quality control of radiopharmaceuticals
task no. 2 - exchange of the wp network ul. w. polski - police chamber - chamber ul. stalmacha 18
delivery of the ssi hospital it system along with the infrastructure for
1. delivery, assembly, start-up and training in the operation and operation of the equipment
construction of a sanitary sewage system in ul. skalnicowej section of trakt lubelski-zasada iw ul. miss water part.