Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of electricity for the needs of zaklad wodociagów i kanalizacji wod-kan sp.
supply and delivery of shaft ropes for branches of polska grupa górnicza s.a. - group no.284-18
supply and delivery of diesel oil
supply of task no. 1 underground and above-ground hydrants
supply of successive deliveries of heat nodes for tauron cieplo sp. z o.o.
development of design documentation for the task entitled: "high pressure station q 40,000 m³n / h together with
modernization of the fire protection system in the gas and steam block at pge energia ciepla s.a. branch
performing revision repair of wheelsets along with replacing monoblock wheels in vehicles
management of 5,000 mg of mechanically dehydrated sewage sludge from the "pruszków" plant.
development of design concepts of traction substations of the 2 × 25 kv system related to kse and line