Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of fuel - diesel oil to the companys petrol station
delivery of drugs to szpital lipno sp. z o.o. in lipno
delivery of reagents, calibrators, control materials and consumables together with the lease of apparatus to the laboratory and microbiological diagnostics department for a period of 3 years.
subject of the contract is the purchase and delivery of tests and reagents for quick identification of microorganisms in the maldi tof technology and an automatic system for biochemical identification and determination of drug susceptibility along with the lease of the necessary equipment for the department of microbiology.
delivery of electrodes for intracranial registration used during epilepsy diagnostics seeg with the admission of partial offers
wholesale purchase and delivery of liquid fuels to the tanks of zegluga ostródzko-elblaska sp. z o.o. in ostróda
subject of the order is the successive delivery of bread and fresh bakery products to the mazovia institute of budget management in mazovia, divided into fourteen parts. a detailed description of the subject of the contract and the requirements for the subject of the contract are set out in appendix 2 to the swz
subject of the contract is the parking of vehicles and other items - car parts and the storage, as well as securing vehicles and property detained by the police for trial purposes, under the conditions specified in the detailed description of the subject of the contract and the contract template constituting attachments to the swz.
subject of the contract covers the provision of services for the collection and transport of municipal waste generated and collected on all real estate where residents live, located within the administrative borders of the zelazków commune. the detailed scope of services is specified in the annexes to the swz.
subject of the contract is comprehensive maintenance and restoration as well as the necessary reconstruction of cemeteries with fences, including: conservation and reconstruction of stone elements, including walls and fence posts, monument pedestals, monuments, tombstones and tombstones; maintenance and reconstruction of concrete elements, including walls and fence posts, wall covers and posts, monuments, tombstones and tombstones, pedestals for crosses and monuments, fencing stairs and foundations; conservation and reconstruction of wooden elements, including rails and fencing panels, shingle roofs, chapels, tomb crosses, central crosses; maintenance and reconstruction of metal elements, including fencing panels, roofing and edging of wooden crosses, tombstone crosses cast iron and forged, and cast-iron memorial boards; fabrication and assembly of enameled memorandum boards; historic signposts with numbers with the numbers of cemeteries