Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.
provision of transport services for disabled people in the city of gdansk and the neighboring communes of w
comprehensive supervision over the implementation of a non-commercial clinical trial, development, configuration,
printing, packing, addressing, distributing, delivering and inserting local government letters
performing the 5-year assessment and control of the technical condition of hydrotechnical structures on the area of ??the management board of the catchment area
greenery care and maintenance in the national, poviat and commune road belts, in the area of ??the town commune
provision of maintenance services for philips medical apparatus along with additional equipment
reconstruction of ul. kondratowicz. green.
proceedings for granting public contracts conducted in the tender mode
development of complete design and cost estimate documentation for the building at ul. jana sobieskiego 39 w
maintenance service for passenger lifts in buildings at amw oregon stock. in szczecin, together with z