Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.
collection and management of municipal waste generated by property owners
waste collection and management code 17 03 80 - papa waste
change of the heat supply system for installation in powered buildings
construction of the high pressure gas pipeline dn400 mop 2, 5 mpa, dabrowa relations
implementation of works related to the connection of customers gr. iv and v on the premises of tauron dystrybucja operations
modernization of the group thermal node at ul. kopernika 25 in torun - construction of networks and thermal connections.
successive delivery of diesel oil up to the maximum quantity according to the subject of the corresponding order
deliveries to the mines of jsw s.a. suspensions and catches of the suspended monorail route with a deadline of 12 months
factory delivery of new sling hooks for suspending the suspension track of suspended monorails
delivery of pump units equipped with medium-pressure centrifugal and medium-pressure pumps