Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.
deliveries of mv / lv distribution transformers for the needs of branches of pge dystrybucja s.a.
steam turbine review together with ams1250lk4lbs type generator for pge heat energy
development of a project of a water network with connections
provision of cleaning services in the facilities for pge giek sa, dolna odra power plant
development of project documentation
modernization of selected coal feeding devices ec wroclaw, ec czechnica
provision of office and technical cleaning services for the gas transmission operator
the service of obtaining photogrammetric data for the needs of the passporting and route control system
service a provision of transport services in the national road transport of things, linear transport
modernization of the master control system in unit 2 of the gdynia heat and power plant in pge energia ciepla