Latest and live tenders published in poland. Click on any tender to view further details.

7191 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235233
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Feb, 2022

delivery of mobile phones for the needs of przedsiebiorstwo komunikacji samochodowej polonus in warsaw sa

7192 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235252
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : 13.95 Crore
Last date :  11 Feb, 2022

provision of forest management services in the slawno forest district in 2022 - package vii

7193 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235260
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Feb, 2022

performing the duties of the investor's supervision inspector for the task entitled: construction of reservoirs in forestry

7194 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235266
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Feb, 2022

supply of v-belts

7195 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235271
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  28 Feb, 2022

performing the duties of the investor's supervision inspector for the task entitled: anti-erosion development of routes

7196 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235289
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  11 Feb, 2022

supply of laboratory freezers. the ordering party divided the subject of the contract into 3 packages: package no. 1 - low-temperature freezer -86oc package no. 2 - low-temperature freezer at -80oc package no.3 - freezer -20oc

7197 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235341
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  21 Feb, 2022

purchase of a multi-purpose passenger car with delivery and unloading for the needs of amw sinevia sp. z o. o

7198 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235373
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Feb, 2022

delivery and assembly of window joinery and facades under the task 01649 construction of an office and staff building in warsaw wesola ul. okuniewska 1.

7199 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235431
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  15 Feb, 2022

comprehensive performance of teletechnical works under task no. 91553 - construction of the polish army museum in ossów. 1. the subject of the contract is: comprehensive performance of teletechnical works under the task no. 91553 - construction of the polish army museum in ossów. implementation of: access control system, intrusion detection system, cctv system, bms integrating system, central automation system, monitoring and control of technical installations, dso system, ssp system, structured cabling, audio video system cabling; execution of external teletechnical sewage system; preparation of complete as-built documentation. the contractor will prepare the as-built documentation in 3 copies in paper version and 1 copy in electronic version, including: admittance certificates, certificates of conformity, certificates of constancy of performance, materials and instructions for proper operation and maintenance of devices

7200 European Countries Tenders
GTN :23235477
Location :  Poland - Poland, Poland
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 Feb, 2022

tree felling with removal or milling to a depth of min. 60 cm of rigs and sprinkling logs and thicker branches on the square of the cuttings in biala podlaska

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