European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
Tender Value :
8.49 Crore
contracting of assembly and disassembly services for the pavilions in portugal at hannover messe 2022, and
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
Tender Value :
16.07 Crore
supply simple spaghetti-type pasta under european aid fund
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
Tender Value :
2.34 Crore
supply of six argo floats
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
provision of medical anesthesiology services
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
provision of psychiatric medical services
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
Tender Value :
4.05 Crore
maintenance service and technical assistance to installations avac-2021-2024
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
Tender Value :
2.57 Crore
acquisition of surveillance and security services
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
supply of school meals - pre-school, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles and secondary students - 2022/2024
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
Tender Value :
3.38 Crore
cp internacional 190007/2021 services: services imagiology teleradiology year 2022
European Countries Tenders
Location :
Portugal - Portugal, Portugal
Tender Value :
6.67 Crore
public tender for the acquisition of hygiene and cleaning services and supply of consumables for the toilet,