Latest and live tenders published in romania. Click on any tender to view further details.
framework agreement, for a period of 48 months having as object “periodic maintenance works - asphalt carpets
framework agreement, for a period of 48 months, having as subject: “periodic maintenance works - asphalt carpets
framework agreement, for a period of 48 months, having as subject: “periodic maintenance works - asphalt carpets
framework agreement, for a period of 48 months, having as subject: “periodic maintenance works - asphalt carpets
supply of sanitary equipment acquisition
purchase of miscellaneous medicines 126 lots
purchase it equipment for school use for project purchase of school tablets and other equipment it
supply of acquisition of electronic equipment / devices as part of the “capacity building of the college” project
supply of pre-insulated steel pipes and accessories dn 600 mm
large infrastructure operational program project implementation no. code smis 2014:> 140389 title: