Latest and live tenders published in romania. Click on any tender to view further details.
modernization and integration in scada in the 110 / 6kv buzau sud station
2 year framework agreement - maintenance, adjustment and repair services, including supply of spare parts and materials
supply of oxidation station in chiciu pretreatment station. fir2 chiciu-calarasi adduction rehabilitation by sect. of
supply of electricity distribution and control devices - measuring and protection blocks
technical assistance services for the ecological rehabilitation of the old jijia river basin downstream of the hydrotechnical node
technical assistance services for ecological rehabilitation of the old basin of the baseu river in the ?tefane?ti area
supply of utility vehicles
supply of acquisition of foodstuffs included in the structure of the food standards of persons deprived of liberty lot 1
supply of contract ”equipment for the development and expansion of the distribution of internet services at level
crushed sand apron 0-4 mm and screening aprons 4-8 mm, 8-16 mm, 16-22, 4 mm, 16-31, 5 mm