Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
provision of the management service of the municipal nursery schools of conxo, fontiñas and
maintenance service for the universitas xxi modules developed for the university of cádiz, and the delegated management of the technical services on said modules, by the company universitas xxi solutions and technology for the university.
canary islands centers and residences.
security service in the central services of aena sme, sa
concession for the provision of the service of collection and treatment of waste and
personnel provisioning service through a temporary work company
amt-2022-0020: support service for the production of autonomous applications – components
amt-2022-0025: service development of new functions, support and maintenance in web portals
construction management and health and safety coordination of collector works and
cleaning service for municipal buildings and dependencies of the sueca city council