Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of software for management of calendars and appointment of the service for the municipal company of
contrato mixto para el suministro y servicio del proyecto ejecutivo museografico
exploitation and conservation of urban tunnels with centralized control of the madrid city council
integrated itineraries of active inclusion aimed at the labor insertion of women
supply of serum
technical assistance to the facultative direction for the quality control of the works of 2022, 2023 and 2024
improvement of the condition of existing canals in irrigatable areas of general interest of the state in ch del
preventive-scheduled and corrective maintenance of helicopters with their components and accessories.
global marketing plan for the enhancement of assets in the digital district of the valencian community and attraction
maintenance of autonomous and semi-autonomous breathing equipment in the supply line at the ume 2022-2023