Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.

5461 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782295
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 25.3 Thousand
Last date :  29 Dec, 2021

technical assistance for the realization of the proposal for logroños candidacy for the european green capital award

5462 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782296
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 4.50 Lacs
Last date :  10 Jan, 2022

minor maintenance works and small replacements for the service of the drinking water and sewerage networks in the municipality of mont-roig del camp, which are managed by epel nostraigua.

5463 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782305
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 1.34 Crore
Last date :  27 Dec, 2021

contracting the cleaning service and, where appropriate, laundry in various centers attached to the era

5464 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782309
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 5.78 Lacs
Last date :  10 Jan, 2022

renovation of public spaces around plaza el gallo cartes

5465 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782311
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 14.8 Thousand
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

regulation 2016/679 of the european parliament and of the council on the protection of data of individuals, known as the general data protection regulation rgpd, is the european unions reference framework for data protection. of a personal nature, and provides that data controllers and data controllers must appoint a data protection officer dpd in the cases established by the rgpd itself. among these cases, in accordance with article 37.1.a of the rgpd, a dpd must be designated provided that the treatment is carried out by a public authority or body, either as a manager or as a manager. of treatment. the assignment of the dpd, in accordance with the functions entrusted to it, must be done in units with competencies and functions of a horizontal nature. organic law 3/2018, of 5 december, on the protection of personal data and the guarantee of digital rights lopdgdd transfers and complements the basic principles and minimum requirements of the rgpd to state regulations; and, in accordance with article 34, also establishes the obligation to designate a dpd.

5466 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782315
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 98.0 Thousand
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

contracting civil liability insurance

5467 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782318
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 49.5 Thousand
Last date :  29 Dec, 2021

linpro program maintenance

5468 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782322
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 5.48 Lacs
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

leisure activities and time in summer for schoolchildren in the municipality of murcia, through four lots.

5469 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782323
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 52.0 Thousand
Last date :  28 Dec, 2021

supply, installation and start-up of a three-step surface finishing process roughing, polishing and polishing for surgical implants of titanium class iib and iii.

5470 European Countries Tenders
GTN :22782330
Location :  Spain - Spain, Spain
Tender Value : 67.8 Thousand
Last date :  29 Dec, 2021

supply and installation of furniture for the premises and facilities of the llucmajor city council.

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