Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
adaptation and improvement of the thermal production system and primary air treatment of the mestral building of the pere virgili health park.
air conditioning maintenance service, air extraction and production of sanitary hot water dhw at the headquarters and facilities of sociedad aragonesa de gestión agroambiental, slu sarga
carrying out photocomposition work on models and other tax documents.
renovation of the calders of the tramuntana building of the parc sanitari pere virgili
production services of resources and elements of management of cultural diffusion of the ministry of culture and historical heritage
drafting of the projecte ditinerari de vianants to the ctra. bv-2005 between sant vicenç dels horts and torrelles de llobregat. ttmm sant vicenç dels horts i torrelles de llobregat
supply of renewal and update of vmware computer licenses for the barakaldo city council.
execution of the maintenance work of the water supply and collection network for the caños of the municipality of zarzalejo, included in the project drawn up by the industrial technical engineer, jaime sánchez pastor, dated november 8, 2, 021, in response to the favorable report with requirement of the technical services
interior reform for the installation of toilets in cells in the penitentiary center of ibiza
waste management and sewer cleaning service for hospital de sant cugat de asepeyo, mutual collaborator with social security