Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
service of supply, customization, folding and closing of the notice letters in the voluntary period of the taxes by register and of the settlements of the executive period.
childcare point no multipurpose building
supply of a “rubber package” for the maintenance of metro de madrids 2000 series rolling stock reducers
framework agreement for the approval of vehicle and machinery repair service providers for the provincial council of álava
service of logistics, transport, muntatge and desmuntatge of carpes and scenes for the diputació de lleida, both destined to the local authorities of the demarcation that ho sol·licitin and els hi continued granted.
internal and external corporate communication service of the conca de barberà regional council.
electrical infrastructure for the installation of the electrical equipment for bus transportation in the triangle area of ??transports de barcelona, sa phase 2.
guided visit services to the reales alcázares for those born or resident in seville, thematic visits and visits for ceremonial events.
operation of the bar-cafeteria in the casa del parque de san zadornil burgos
hiring of technical assistance service for the maintenance of sap cloud costumer and sap marketing cloud.