Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
body repair service and cladding cranes of the casualty collection vehicle fleet in
constitueix lobjecte contractual lexecució of the project of dintervenció for the consolidation and restoration of the medieval wall of granollers, to the section of jaume camp i lloreda. the objective of the present project is to consolidate and restore the section of the medieval wall located at carrer jaume camp i lloreda, from the corner of plaça maluquer salvador fins ledifici de can puntas, with a total length of 34 meters, per tal de pal·liar lestat de degradació than pateix.
hiring for the provision of the cleaning service and building assistants
sub-administration of the dret dus of the software licenses of various computer programs in order to provide the workers of the consorci daigües de les eines necessàries to develop the tasks that the seu lloc de treball requires both guarantees, dacord amb l status of development of existing software licenses in 2021
urpose of this contract is to collect light packaging from figueres. the nature and extent of the needs that are intended to be covered by the projected contract, as well as the suitability of its object and content to meet them, are specified in the following benefits: - periodic emptying of light packaging containers of the road public and municipal landfill - periodic cleaning of light packaging containers on public roads and municipal landfill - relocation of containers according to the needs of the service - replacement of a certain number of light packaging containers
the drafting service of the basic project, execution and direction of the reform works of different
disinfection, disinsection and rodent control service, maintenance of the self-control system and service
healthcare, rehabilitation, medical specialties and diagnostic tests in l1 getafe madrid and l2 algete madrid
superimplified route 21ee toledo 2022
works of 24 houses, demolitions, garage and urbanization in the horno coscolín de tudela navarra environment