Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of ophthalmology material for laredo regional hospital.
object of the contract is the execution of the comprehensive renovation work of the buildings located on calle de la cruz, calle maría muñoz and plaza unamuno that make up the euskal museoa based on the execution project presented by the project authors: vaillo + irigaray architects, antonio vaillo, juan l. irigaray, yago vaillo, in execution of the file exp062019serv-ngsp
supply of construction materials, in batches 2 corresponding to the agricultural employment promotion program 2021 for the execution by direct administration of the work renovation of water, sewage, paving and gardening networks, of the city of segura de la sierra y gardening ”, from the segura de la sierra city council
project drafting services, construction management and health and safety coordination of the construction works of a social center in torrellano
maintenance of 80 units of the product sales cloud - enterprise edition for the eoi foundation, fsp according to the special conditions granted to the network for the education sector and non-profit institutions
services of technical writing for the actions developed in the framework of component 2 of the fiiapp fsp project “eu4digitalua” in kiev ukraine, based on the best value for money, with special consideration of the quality of the personnel assigned to the execution of the service
maintenance and support services for the ekon computer application licenses, with the management module, by the bellvitge biomedical research institute, during the years 2022 and 2023, with the conditions that are established in the plec de administrative clauses and in the technical prescriptions plec.
administration and installation of the tourist mobilitat signaling of the xarxa de camins dús turístic del bages for the project executiu de senyalització the btt routes of the sèquia de manresa redactat by the unitat dinfraestructures turístiques de la gerència de serveis of tourism of the diputació de barcelona at the request of the consell comarcal del bages, dacord with the one that sassenyala in the plec prescripcions tècniques ppt.
hiring of the creative graphic design service for the andalusian public foundation progress and health, through a simplified open procedure, not subject to harmonized regulation.
housing reform in calle real nº 11, casa de los maestros in robres del castillo la rioja