Latest and live tenders published in spain. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply and installation of meters in sectors outside urban land within the actions to improve the management of the supply of tarazona
supply of sub-administration, installation, and inn in operation of the mobile radio-surgical arc, destined to the experimental surgery unit esu of the vall hebron university hospital foundation - research institute vhir.
computer maintenance service of the narcís xifra i masmitjà institute
framework agreement for the supply of electricity to the buildings and garages of the basque parliament
the object of the contract is the contracting of a maintenance service for gardeners, patis de les escoles bressols municipals and altres espais enjardinats sense reg of the municipality of parets del vallès, mitjançant loccupació de persons with disabilities and conformitat with the plec of technical conditions.
rubí i martorell warehouse management services, ferrocarrils de la generalitat de catalunya ref: po77 / 21
the object of the contract is the provision of the surveillance service to the regidoria dacció social i dependency, from daylight to daylight hours from 09.30 to 14.00 and after hours from 15.00 to 17.30. specifically, it is a contract of the contract of services for the control of access with the purpose of closing the quality of the service offered to the citizenry and guaranteeing the security to the regidoria.
supply of bearings and ball joints for the rolling stock of the generalitat de catalunya ref: po76 / 21
custodial assistants
la copa-bullas taxi transportation service.