Latest and live tenders published in switzerland. Click on any tender to view further details.
ewzwhh whz / whe stage 1, bkp 272.2 general metal construction - inside
procurement of switchable distribution network transformers
capacity development for who guidance dissemination and technical revisions to the current interim who publication ‘guidance on operational microplanning for covid-19 vaccination’
creative design for world immunization week 2022 and 2023
develop an online who antimicrobial resistance community of practice amr cop platform
field testing and validation of who’s assistive technology impact assessment ata-impact
health emergency preparedness and ihr international health regulations 2005 compliance serious game design and development 2021-050 wpe-crs gamedev
improvement of bbmap app visual analysis capabilities
long term agreement for the provision of online information monitoring and analysis services 2021-059 ext-dco onlinecommsmon
long term agreement in strengthening emergency care in africa