Latest and live tenders published in switzerland. Click on any tender to view further details.
replacement birsbrücken münchenstein
iwb, replacement of the bridge cranes including crane runway in the garbage bunker of the kva
supply of dossier 000040.002 spare parts material man busse
auditing services, in particular the following services: - carry out an intermediate / final audit including reporting - testing the existence as well as the effectiveness of an internal control system (iks) - «special examination subsidies» for concessionaired transport companies - check the reporting package and the transfer - checking the line invoice (savings invoice) - sample testing of species - review of tnw bills (tarfiverbund nordwestschweiz) - additional auditing services as needed
construction of a school complex
work on flat roofs and plumbing work for the new three-tier gymnastics hall sternmatt ii in baar
new construction of the triple gymnasium sternmatt 2, bkp 221, 272 windows, exterior doors, gates including interior glazing
new construction of accommodation, company and hall buildings, creation of approx. 2, 970 m2 of hard concrete coverings and approx. 300 m2 of sub-floors.
appenzeller bahnen service center, civil engineering sub-project
metamorphosis - plaines-du-loup eco-district - urban room d, construction of a new ems - waterproofing