Latest and live tenders published in ukraine. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply and installation of individual heat substations
accounting and auditing services
rehabilitation of two 2 units at seredniodniprovska hpp and two 2 units at dnipro-2 hpp project design, supply and installation of turbines, generators, auxiliary equipment, 2-stage tender procedure
supply and installation of dam safety equipment
supply and installation of hydro-mechanical equipment cranes, motorisation for gates, replacement of supporting beams for cranes, rail tracks and electricity supply lines for dnipro hpp; a crane for kremenchuk hpp, 1-stage tender procedure
water management system, 1-stage tender procedure
additional project consultancy services – project implementation unit assistance
rehabilitation of two 2 units at kremenchuk hpp project design, supply and installation of turbines, generators, auxiliary equipment, 1-stage tender procedure
procurement of eight 8 transformers and related services for kyiv pspp, kaniv hpp, seredniodniprovska hpp, dnipro-1 hpp, kakhovka hpp, 1-stage tender procedure
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