Latest and live tenders published in united kingdom. Click on any tender to view further details.
newark and sherwood district council nsdc is seeking to procure consultants to provide specialist advice and guidance to develop an evening and night time economy strategy for the district. nsdc would seek that the evening and night time economy strategy covers the four main urban and economic centres in the district: newark, southwell, edwinstowe and ollerton. for the purpose of this strategy, newark and sherwood district council are defining the evening and night time economy as taking place between 6pm and 6am. this can be divided into two sections: evening economy, occurring between 6pm and 11pm, and night time economy, occurring from 11pm onwards.
borough council invites expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the provision of a new signalised toucan crossing with associated drainage, cyclepath link, road markings and signage. works also include the resurfacing of the carriageway in approach to the new crossing. provision of traffic management is also required as part of this contract. swindon borough council have set aside funding for the installation of a new signalised toucan crossing on north star avenue located between north star roundabout and the junction with ferndale road. the site has an existing uncontrolled crossing point which accesses the cycle route to the rear of ferndale road and also provides vehicular access to the garages of these properties. an annual survey is carried out on requested sites to ascertain whether it is suitable to be upgraded to a controlled crossing. this site presented enough evidence of pedestrian and cyclist use to be upgraded to a toucan. full details relating to the works are provided in the tender documents. to participate, suppliers will need to register as a supplier with procontract,, then register an interest before obtaining access to the tender documents. in the event of difficulties registering as a supplier, please refer to the system administrator proactis support team tender clarifications to be submitted in writing via messaging in procontract tender portal, including the project reference and title clearly in the subject title, by 17th december 2021, 1200 hrs uk local time. the council’s responses to these clarification questions will be issued periodically via messaging in procontract tender portal. tender responses are required to be submitted no later than 7th january 2022, 1200 hrs uk local time via procontract tender portal - please note that this project has been advertised on contracts finder/ other web portals, however, supplying the south west portal, is the only portal that includes all the relevant documents required to respond to this opportunity, bearing project id: dn584439 no tender submissions will be considered without completing the tender documents in full including attachments and returning them in alignment with the instructions within the tender documents.
opportunity to join the existing framework of approved suppliers for the provision of domiciliary care services
oxfordshire’s supplementary nhs health check programme service model
glossop town hall and municipal building sash window refurbishment & clock tower works
fire systems upgrades sheltered housing
leicester city council the authority invites tender for the provision of corporate wellbeing services
domiciliary care placement
domiciliary care placement - id 300836
personal protective equipment & corporate workwear framework agreement