Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
operation and maintenance of pumping stations and desalination stations in sabah al ahmad naval city and al wafra and kheera desalination stations an
electromechanical works-empty quarter desalination plant
electromechanical works-thumrait air base desalination plant
maintenance, cleaning and operation of 74 of general security sites in baha
rehabilitation and maintenance of sakaka ambulance center in jouf
lightening the main gate in tibah university
maintenance of landscapes, irrigation networks and wells in aqeer beach
furnishing of administration building for girls in university city
supply, installation, testing and commissioning of 400kv cable laying works for interconnecting 400kv gis of hsta with gsut of aweer phase iv power station
maintenance of agricultural regions in main street of gardens in issa city