Latest and live tenders published in iraq. Click on any tender to view further details.
request for proposal for supervise the execution of consolidation and reconstruction works on the al hadba minaret in mosul, iraq.
supply & delivery of visibility items, furniture & miscellaneous items -baghdad-iraq
supply and delivery of vtc equipment
rehabilitation of 75 houses in ryadh sub-district-hawija-kirkuk governorate
rehabilitation of three water pump stations re-advertisement
provision of photography, videography, graphic design, and printing services for tourists visiting al-hawizeh marshes in maysan governorate and eastern hammar marshes in basra governorates, iraq
redevelopment of al asry park and organization of an “al asry environmental clean-up campaign” and an al asry greening initiative in alasry neighborhood, baiji district, salah al din governorate.
supply of home gardening materials dap to sinjar and baa’j district, ninewa governorate, iraq
supply of irrigation materials dapto sinjar and baaj district, ninewa governorate, iraq
supply of substation test equipment to qaraqush electrical substation ninewa governorate, iraq