Latest and live tenders published in jordan. Click on any tender to view further details.
rfp/2020/06: city database construction for amman - data collection, analysis, and integration energy, water, and waste
miscellaneous services
request for proposal for provision of the suite of ict applications for issuance of trade, and trade-related permits
provision of salary survey services for the service contracts holders for undp jordan.
construction of a multi store commercial residential buildings in wilayat of baushar
provision of advanced technical training on criminal intelligence analysis .
qualitative researcher- livelihoods programming and its potential to reduce gender based violence gbv for refugee and displaced women and girls in jordan, lebanon and iraq
request for proposal for the provision of communication and social media services for the undp-rbas’ arab knowledge project akp
revising and updating wadi rum pa management plan
enpi — supply of lighting testing system forjordan standards and metrology organisation jsmo — jordan