Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of materials and consumables for prosthetics
medical waste container
medicines and medical clinic supplies - quotations are accepted in sealed envelopes only
supply of ups batteries - quotations are accepted in sealed envelopes only
supply of wood and its accessories - quotations are accepted in sealed envelopes only
supply of wood and its accessories - quotations are accepted in sealed envelopes only
supply of bearing flywheel 90363-12002-000/daihatsu rocky, bearing release 31230-60190 \toyota land cruiser pick, plate clutch 31250-60530 \toyota land cruiser pick up, plate pressure 31210-60340 \toyota land cruiser pick up
supply of plate m.s. 4x8x4mm, plate m.s 3mmx4x8
supply of sanding paper disc- p120- 150mm - 150 ea, sanding paper disc- p240- 150mm - 160 ea, sanding paper disc- p400- 150mm - 150 ea, sanding paper disc- p80- 150mm - 350 ea
supply of kit- seat back rest 42538408\iveco truck 2013, shock absorber, seat 42538424\iveco truck 2013, spring, ball air 5001857902\iveco truck 2013, switch gear 42538400\iveco truck 2012, switch gear 42538402\iveco truck 2012, switch gearadjuster 142560532/iveco truck 2012, valve 42538419/iveco truck crane