Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of tough pad fz-g1 charger ac adaptor
supply and fix crane at tiger woods pump station
furnishing the institutional development office for community happiness affairs and logistic support - supply request no
refurbishment of toilet blocks for fruit vegetable market at ras al kh
complete overhauling of booster pump of mushrif pumping station. pump details: make-aversa, model-nds 500-450-700. please contact mr noor uddin 052-9172523 for further clarification. 1.0#introduction dubai electricity & water authority dewa owns and operates potable water booster pumping stations at various locations of dubai. these booster pumping stations along with their accessories ar maintained regularly and taken out of service in a planned sequence mostly in winter to carry out the preventive maintenance, insp ections etc. 2.0#scope of work the scope of work mandatory & optional for the overhaul of booster pumps and their accessories o booster pumping station. # a#the contractor has to take the pump assembly from dewa site to their workshop
supply of internal & external coating of of booster pump of mushrif pumping station. pump details: make-aversa, model-nds 500-450-700. please contact mr. noor 04-3229439 for further clarifications. scope of works: specification for internal coating of pumps/ valves g eneral these pumps & valves are used in water booster pumping stations. the fluid handled by these pumps is potable water of maximum temperature up to 50 0c. normally the water is clean but some time it is noticed to have sand and solids in stream from pipe line. these pumps are in operation since commissioning of the station. scope of work collection & transportation the contractor shall collect the pump casing through suitable pickup/crane mounted truck from ems workshop at aweer. the contractor
additional repairing works on the pump sent for complete overhauling nad al sheba an-40016-17 clyde union booster pump please send this enquiry to m/s hitek as the overhauling po-3052001268 was rewarded to them please contact mr. noor 04-3229439 for further cl arifications. scope of works: 1. machining on the both impeller wearing rings 2. assembly of both wear rings to the rotor assembly 3. 1 year warranty on the workmanship additional repairing works on the pump sent for complete overhauling nad al sheba an-40016-17 clyde union booster pump please send this enquiry to m/s hitek as the overhauling po-3052001268 was rewarded to them please contact mr. noor 04-3229439 for further cl arifications. scope of works: 1. machining on the pump impeller 2. assembly of the
testing and calibration of sweep frequancy response analyzer, make: doble, model: m5300, serial no: 11000205. calibration and certif ication should be traceable and accredited as per iso/iec 17025 specification. calibration certificate to be valid for two year. testing and calibration of karl fischer titration instrument; make: megger, model: kf lab mkii, serial no.: 1237. calibration and ce rtification should be traceable and accredited as per iso/iec 17025 specification. calibration certificate to be valid for two year.
the scope of work will be as following: carrying out inspection of the portable air compressor & calibration of air pressure switche s as per the prevailing guidelines of dubai municipality. details of the portable air compressor: make: abac air compressor model: b 4900/270 ct4 ce abac air receiver tank capacity: 270 l ps: 11 bar no. of safety valve: one year of manufacturing: 2010 motor rating : 4 kw, 3 phase 400v, 50 hz, 2930 rpm. the job shall be carried out as per the dubai municipality guidelines by a competent & approv ed agency. necessary tools/instruments required to carry out the inspection shall be arranged by the agency. specific requirement, i f any shall be mentioned in the quotation. report/test certificate shall be submitted after completion of the job.
complete overhauling of booster pump for hatta city new ps ro fees pump. pump details: make-goulds, model-3410, size: 2x3-11, impell er dia 9.12, rpm-2945, capacity-75cm/h please contact mr. noor 04-3229439 for further clarifications 1.0#introduction dubai el ectricity & water authority dewa owns and operates potable water booster pumping stations at various locations of dubai. these boo ster pumping stations along with their accessories are maintained regularly and taken out of service in a planned sequence mostly in winter to carry out the preventive maintenance, inspections & overhauling etc. 2.0#scope of work the scope of work mandatory & optional for the overhaul of booster pumps and their accessories of booster pumping station. # a#the contractor has