Latest and live tenders published in united arab emirates. Click on any tender to view further details.

661 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628790
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 May, 2019

supply of d-oiler ng all valves inspection servicing and testing location : d-station whr and ngprs quantities: 12 inch all valve 03 nos 10 inch gloe valve # 02 nos 3 inch all valve 3 nos 2 inch control valve - 01 no contractor scope 1 servicin g/refurishment 2 replacement of soft seals/gaskets y the contractor. contractor to provide necessary spares 3 test certificate t o e provided after servicing 4 transport the valve from the dewa site to contractor workshop and delivery to the site. 5 the contr actor should visit the site efore quoting for the work. 6 work to e completed within 15 days warranty: one year contact person: a shokgiri satheesh moile: 0529174058/0504069988 email: ashokgiri.gunsai satheeshkumar.ramadoss

662 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628810
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 May, 2019

scope of work: application of high temperature paint and cleaning for diesel generator exhaust pipes. * 6 - scaffolding will e pro vided y dewa - paint: sigma zinc 158-75microns +sigma therm 540-50microns total dft 125 microns.30%as - site visit is mandatory ef ore summiting the offer - warranty: 5 years - cleaning must e carry efore the paining sand lasting to sa2.5 - service provider is required to provide all consumales needed for the jo - exhaust pipe temperature can reach up to 478 degrees celsius - drawing c an e provided upon request - for any questions and further details, please contact: husain adeen 0506856250 email: husain.irahim@de, scope of work: application of high temperature paint and cleaning for diesel generator exhaust pipes. * 4 - scaffolding will e pro vided y dewa - paint: sigma zinc 158-75microns +sigma therm 540-50microns total dft 125 microns.30%as - site visit is mandatory ef ore summiting the offer - warranty: 5 years - cleaning must e carry efore the paining sand lasting to sa2.5 - service provider is required to provide all consumales needed for the jo - exhaust pipe temperature can reach up to 478 degrees celsius - drawing c an e provided upon request - for any questions and further details, please contact: husain adeen 0506856250 email: husain.ira

663 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628837
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 May, 2019

transportation of cooling fan to and fro from site. 2. repair of cooling fan 6 months warranty. 3. performance checks during performance checks, parameters should match with name plate data especially the current. 4. test reports to e shar ed to dewa. contact person: adul asheer arapoyil

664 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628857
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 May, 2019

supply of uv ultra-violet grp coating for l1 desal 65. all contractors are requested please have a site inspection efore sumit them quotatio n

665 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628874
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 May, 2019

supply of uv ultra-violet grp coating for l-2 desal 92. all contractors are requested please have a site inspection efore sumit them quotati on

666 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628895
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 May, 2019

supply of uv ultra-violet grp coating for l-2 desal 93. all contractors are requested please have a site inspection efore sumit them quotati on

667 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628923
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  07 May, 2019

dewatering of sewarge tank at h station aweer, waste water disposal, 10, 000 gallon capacity. the trip should e on call asis as an d when required. contact person: sahim rashid

668 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15628977
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 May, 2019

supply of uv ultra-violet grp coating for l-2 desal 94. all contractors are requested please have a site inspection efore sumit them quotati on

669 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15629033
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 May, 2019

farication and supply of motor fan covers as per following dimensionsapproximate and quantity. sl no#motor rating#motor fram e size#fan cover size mm#qty no# ###dia#height## 1#0.55 kw, 380vac, 3ph, 2860 rpm#80#16#8#4# 2#1.1 kw, 380vac, 3ph, 2860 rpm#90# 18#9#2# 3#5.5 kw, 380vac, 3ph, 1450 rpm#132#19#10#2# 4#4.0 kw, 380vac, 3ph, 1460 rpm#132#25#12#8# 5#5.5 kw, 380vac, 3ph, 2870 rpm#13 2#26#12#4# 6#4.0 kw, 380vac, 3ph, 1430 rpm#132#26#13#8# 7#5.5 kw, 380vac, 3ph, 2870 rpm#132#28#12.5#3# total quantity#31# 2 fan c over material shall e fier grp. 3 the dimenstions is approximate, efore farication the supplier shall collect the exact dimensio ns. 4 warranty shall e minimum 01 one year. for any clarification, please

670 Middle East Countries Tenders
GTN :15629063
Location :  Dubai - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tender Value : NA
Last date :  06 May, 2019

name of sustation: mrsolar 132/11kv ss contractor scope of work: in hvac system ahus at mrsolar 132/11kv sustation, contractor sha ll replace the ag filters with new filters sizes mentioned down under and to provide access for future inspection, cleaning and ma intenance. system 1 size: 595x391x571mm6p each ahu 10nos ahu 1-1 10nos ahu 1-2 10nos ahu 1-3 10nos total - 30nos. system 2 s ize: 495x391x571mm6p each ahu 8nos ahu 2-1 8nos ahu 2-2 8nos ahu 2-3 8nos total - 24nos system 3 small filters size: 595x391x5 71mm6p each ahu 3nos ig filters size: 595x595x571mm6p each ahu 3nos ahu 3-1 3+3 ahu 3-2 3+3 ahu 3-3 3+3 total - small-9nos ig - 9nosnos system 4 small filters size: 289x595x571mm4p each ahu 2nos ig filters size: 595x595x571mm6p each ahu 2nos ahu 4-1 2+2 ahu 4-2 2+2 ahu 4-3 2+2 total - small-6nosig - 6nosnos system 5 small filters size: 289x595x571mm4p each ahu, 4nos ig f ilters size: 595x595x571mm6p each ahu 12nos ahu 5-1 4+12 ahu 5-2 4+12 total - small-8nosig - 24nosnos the actual measurement and quantity shall e taken at site and size of new fresh air filters shall e finalized accordingly y the contractor. contact person for site visit: mr. asif mahmoud - moile +971506705246 a.#contractor shall provide minimum of 1 year warranty for newly supplied mat erials & workmanship. .#upon issue of po, contractor shall otain entry permit permit to work- ptw approval from dewa-tcm in prescr ied format prior to start the work. c.#contractor shall otain approval for materials from dewa-tcm department prior to start install ation at site. d.#all loading, unloading and shifting of materials shall e under

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