Latest and live tenders published in afghanistan. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply and delivery of ict equipment & software for elect project un organization united nations development programme
supply and delivery of ict equipment & software for elect project
micro capacity assessment of implementing partners undp afghanistan un organization united nations development programme
expression of interest and pr-qualification of suppliers for micro capacity assessment of implementing partners ips and responsible parties rps.
building and facility construction and maintenance services
building and facility construction and maintenance services
rehabilitation of road from sayad to feroz nakhcher road, phase 1, lot 1, from ch.0+000 to ch. 13+99 un organization united nations office for project services
rehabilitation of road from dowab - to dahn-e-payar and lot-2 : rehabilitation of road.... un organization united nations office for project services
rehabilitation of road from zarghon shahr to waza khowa phase 2 lot 1, ch. 10+000 to ch. 21+388 km, un organization united nations office for project services
structures and building and construction and manufacturing components and supplies