Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of best quality bholagonj / jaflong stone chips 1st class bricks local sand and fire wood for departmental routine maintenance work at stackyard under road division during 2020-2021.
construction of 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt & boys and ft & girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works etc at different primary school in under pedp-4 project. fiscal year 2020-2021.
construction of boundary wall at pond side pavement tiles work & other repair work at residential building of executive engineer f.y 2020-2021.
supplying of furniture for office of the chief inspector of boilers.
maintenance of existing pavement by providing repair and sbst works at 1st 2nd 3rdp & 4thp km of shibganj by-pass road z-6816 under road division during the financial year 2020-2021.
maintenance of existing pavement by providing repair and sbst works at 19thp21st 22ndp 23rdp 24thp25thp& 26thp km of nawabganj - uttermallick - gomastapur road z-6806 under road division during the financial year 2020-2021.
installation of shallow tara tube well extractable with 6 hand pump at birampur upazila in under safe water supply through out the country project of during the fy2020-2021
installation of shallow tara tube well extractable with 6 hand pump at fulbari upazila in under safe water supply through out the country project of during the fy2020-2021
installation of shallow tara tube well extractable with 6 hand pump at parbotipur upazila in under safe water supply through out the country project of during the fy2020-2021
installation of shallow tara tube well extractable with 6 hand pump at chirirbandar upazila in under safe water supply through out the country project of during the fy2020-2021