Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
supply of office equipment
procurement of online book database materials for the f.y 2020-21.
supply of white offset paper size58.42x91.44cm23x36 gsm 80-85 5090 ream
supply of a. brown sulphate paper size 68.58 x 86.36 cm 27x 34 gsm 140-150 125 reamb. brown sulphate paper size 68.58 x 86.36 27 x 34 gsm 150-160 150 reamc. brown sulphate papersize48.26 x 73.66 cm19x 29 gsm 225-240 50 reamd. brown sulphate paper size 48.26 x 73.66 cm19x 29 gsm2505 brand bc or equivalent 2500 ream
construction of 2 storied rcc wash block having 4 storied foundation for mt & boys and ft& girls including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works at damurhuda upazila in chuadanga dsitrict during 2020-2021 fy.
construction of additional class room nolua gps under pedp4.
construction of additional class room kharok gps under pedp4.
construction of boundary wall west side in rpti fwvti at sadar upazilla
construction of remaining boundary wall and ancillary works at medical assistant training school mats sadar upazila
supply installation & commissioning of router network switch 9u network rack with necessary network accessories and related services for 445 branches of bangladesh krishi bank for 03 years.