Latest and live tenders published in all country. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of additional class room of chandona gps under pedp-4 at porshuram upazila
construction of additional class room of d.m. shaheb nagar gps under pedp-4 at porshuram upazila
construction of additional class room of uttar ketranga gps under pedp-4 at porshuram upazila
construction of additional class room of salia gps under pedp-4 at porshuram upazila
procurement of bearing
procurement of flexible coupling
renovation & maintenance works of baro-aulia bf/01 bf/03bf/06bf/0911kv feeder including installation of single phase/3 phase distribution x-formersystem development and removal of 0.4kv lines to reduce system loss due to hooking at different location of said feeders as well as related works remove & replace of11/0.4kv different rating 3-phase distribution x-former under s&d division-fouzderhat pdb
construction of additional class room of charia gps under pedp4
construction of additional class room of bhogpara gps under pedp4
re-excavation of monai khal from km 0.000 to km 12.000 total 12.000 km in c/w re-excavation of small river khal & water bodies in 64 1st phase1st revised in upazilla dharmapasha under o & m division-1 bwdb during the fy 2020-21.