Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
repair/maintenance and breach closing of ml2 canal dyke from km 0.300 to 0.450, km 0.500 to 0.700 and ml2l1 canal dyke from km 0.000 to 0.120 and km 2.000 to 2.200 jungle cutting and removal of water hyacinth of ml2 canal from km 0.000 to 1.000 of manu mukh canal system in c/w manu river project under moulvibazar o&m division during the year 2013-14.
repair and maintenance of i3s19 irrigation canal right dyke from km. 8.200 to km. 8.800 & km. 9.000 to km. 9.650 total working length km. 1.250) in upazila- santhia, dist. pabna under pabna o&m division, bwdb, pabna. during the year 2013-14.
re-construction of flexible pavement, repair of potholes, strengthening by aggregate base type-i, surfacing of existing road pavement by dbs wearing course, surface drain,toe wall etc at lrp006+1160m -lrp008+259m lrp008+1059m -lrp008+1659m, lrp008+3059m -lrp012+270m, lrp012+2630m -lrp012+3520m, lrp021+4500m -lrp033+223m, lrp058+1080m –lrp079+334m, lrp079+934m -lrp089+405m, lrps -lrps+3500m of hathazari-fatikchari-manikchari-matiranga-khagrachari road r-160).
repairing and seal coat at 1st km & 2nd km of brahmanbaria town portion road n-103) road under road division brahmanbaria duting the year 2013-2014.
re-construction of flexible pavement, repairing by repair of potholes, strengthening by aggregate base type-i, surfacing of existing road pavement by dbs wearing course, protective work by rcc palasiding under dohazari road division during the year 2013-2014.
re-sectioning at both dyke of s-12a irrigation canal from km.0.500 to km. 0.900 in g.k. irrigation project under magura o&m division, bwdb, magura during the year 2013-2014.
supplying of stone chips, pea-gravel’s & fire wood for repairing the road surface & flanks at different road under road division, comilla during the year 2013-2014.
repair with seal coat work at 5th p), 6th & 7th p) km of nawabgonj-uttaramollick-gomastapur road under rhd road division, nawabgonj during the year 2013-2014
maintenance of part - a ) protective work at bridge of approach harinakundu gc to shaduhati r&h road. ch. 10200 & part -b ) earth filling work at bridge approach harinakundu gc to shaduhati r&h road. ch. 10200 part-c) wheel guard, railing & rail post repair of rishkhali bridge at ch.10200m harinakundu)
dbst including necessary repairing by aggregate base type-i, carpeting, seal coat, construction of saucer drain, earthen shoulder and thermoplastic road marking work at lrp 02a ch. 1+230) to lrp 013a ch. 12+378)= 11.148 km and lrp 027a ch. 26+692) to lrp 028 ch. 27+171) = 0.479km & lrp 030 ch. 29+171) to lrp 031a ch. 30+429) = 1.258 km total= 12.975 km of comilla-lalmai-chandpur-laxmipur-begumgonj road road no. r-140) anddbs surfacing work including potholes repair, construction of saucer drain and construction of earthen shoulder form ch. 7+500 to ch. 11+980 & ch. 19+000 km to ch. 31+400 of laksham doulatgonj)-nangolkot-kodalia-dalua-chewera bazar road z-1048) under road division, comilla during the year 2013-2014. package no. ace/ rhd/comilla zone/2013-2014/ 04.