Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
installation of 130 nos deep tubewell at dharmapasha upazilla.
installation of 104 nos deep tubewell & 26 nos shallow tibewell at dharmapasha upazilla.
construction of 6 nos i 25.74 m long p.c girder lalpur bridge at 54th km ii 31.828 m long p.c girder kandapara bridge at 57th km iii 31.828 m long p.c girder barak bridge at 58th km iv 31.828 m long p.c girder kacowakora bridgeat 62 th km v 25.74 m long p.c girder gobrakura bridgeat 66th km and vi 25.74 m long p.c girder telikhali bridge at 74th km of border road portion z-2834 under road division during the year 2019-2020 pw-16
construction of 4 nos i 50.875 m long p.c girder koroigora bridge at 48th km ii 31.828 m long p.c girder nayapara bridge at 49th km iii 63.058 m long p.c girder west nayapara bridge at 49th km and iv 31.828 m long p.c girder degolbag bridge at 50th km of border road portion z-2834 under road division during the year 2019-2020 pw-17.
construction of 6 nos i 31.83 m long majipara p.c girder bridge at ch.41270 km ii 31.83 m long bagajora p.c girder bridge at ch. 41676 km iii 50.12 m long p.c girder jairampara bridge at 43th km iv 25.74 m long p.c girder ranepur bridge at 44th km v 37.92 m long p.c girder bagpara bridge at ch. 46270 km and vi 37.92 m long p.c girder rangshinpur bridge at ch. 46680 km of border road portion z-2834 under road division during the year
widening and strengthening of existing pavement earth work construction of rigid pavement protective work drain and sign signal at 3rd km to 6th km of dc office-raghurampur-netrakona-mohangonj-dharmapasha-jamalgonj-sunamgonj road r-370 under road division during the year 20192020 pw-1
construction of houses for 12 bar landless and homeless people of mathbaria upazila on the occasion of mujib centenary on the occasion of centenary of mujibs birth under during the financial year 2020-21.
construction of houses for 7 seven landless and homeless people of bhandaria upazila on the occasion of centenary of mujibs birth under during the financial year 2020-21.
construction of houses for 5 five landless and homeless people of kaukhali upazila on the occasion of centenary of mujibs birth under during the financial year 2020-21.
construction of houses for 5 five landless and homeless people of indurkani upazila on the occasion of centenary of mujibs birth under during the financial year 2020-21.