Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of bc road from west panishail r.k redial to baghber doulatgazi pond side2. r-0101 construction of bc road from madhabpur enayet members house to muchi bari bottala via gayenbari mosque.
construction of rcc drain from shikder bari road to naila textile bgmea president.2. r-2104 construction of bc road from zolarpar bazar to zahiruddin high school .3. r-2202 construction of bc road from nanduain rashid market to bangla bazar.4. r-2302 construction of bc road from railway station to fulchan market.
re-excavation of khas ponds by excavator machine including various lead and lift.
procurement of 06 six nos air condition for bcic head office.
supply of different type of handy tools rake shovel hoe etc for cleaning work under west management department of north city corporation in the year of 2020-2021
supplying basket tukri made of cane for cleaning work under west management department of north city corporation in the year of 2020-2021
supply of sun glass dricell battery flug apron & sodium hidrocloride for health department in the year of 2020-2021
establishment of special care newborn unit scanu at hospital
installation of deep tube well with 6 hand pump under preferential rural water supply project of in in financial year 2020-2021.
installation of deep tube well 100x38mm with submersible pump at sadar upzilla of under project for safe water supply throughout the country.of in the financial year 2019-2020.