Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
installation of 30 nos. 100 x 50 mm dia. deep tube well with submersible pump capacity 1.5 hp at different primary schools of under pedp-4 package no tsp-pedp4-316
installation of 30 nos. 100 x 50 mm dia. deep tube well with submersible pump capacity 1.5 hp at different primary schools of under pedp-4 package no tsp-pedp4-314
installation of 30 nos. 100 x 50 mm dia. deep tube well with submersible pump capacity 1.5 hp at different primary schools of under pedp-4 package no tsp-pedp4-315
construction of 10 nos two storied rcc wash block for mt & boys and ft & girls at ghoraghat upazila or any upazila in including all associated construction sanitary plumbing & electrical works.
rising of manhole cover for different type of valve chamber under water line network of swtp phase-01
raising of manhole cover for different type of valve chamer under water transmission network of swtp phase-02
vertical extension of 7th floor to 19th floor of the 20-storied nccom center at police head quarters fulbaria sub head providing and laying 04 nos. 800 kg passenger lift & 01 no. 1600 kg fire cum passenger cum bed lift.
construction of monuments at slaughter place created by the pakistani hanader forces during liberation war of 1971 at katakhali slaughter place in the financial year 2020-2021.
construction of monuments at slaughter place created by the pakistani hanader forces during liberation war of 1971 at nuniagari palashbari slaughter place in the financial year 2020-2021.
construction of monuments at slaughter place created by the pakistani hanader forces during liberation war of 1971 at daldolia saghata slaughter place in the financial year 2020-2021.