Latest and live tenders published in bangladesh. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction of 4- storied academic building at monmathpur ideal college under upazila-parbotipur
construction of new office building office cum-goddown of domar sub-assistant engineers office under revenue budget of fiscal year 2020-2021.
repair maintenance of revetment from silo jetty to drydock at patenga
repairing of the damaged bridge approach of by providing potholes repair seal coat saucer drain cross drain painting work in bridge rail rail post & guide post protective work by c.c block mattressing at notun bazar & puran bazar bridge approach under road division during the year 2020-2021.
construction of logistics and fleet maintenance facilities for bangladesh coast guard in gozariya upazilla at munshiganj district. sub-head-wd-5 construction of sailors barrack 06 storied building with 06 storied foundation including civil internal sanitary & water supply and internal electrification and construction of jcos barrack building 06 storied building with 06 storied foundation including civil internal sanitary & water supply and internal electrification
purchase of danguri / board selected dress for operation circle.
construction of counter terrorism and transnational crime protection center for bangladesh police at sher-e bangla nagar administrative area.
establishment of four marine academies in bangladesh pabna barisal sylhet and rangpur one at pabna. sub-head-acoustic work in academic building.
renovation of existing two-storied building of flat no. b-1b-2b-3& b-4 and existing boundary wall at shalbagan rhd complex under road division rajshahi during the year 2020-2021.
repairing pavement by providing single bituminous surface treatment sbst with necessary repair by carpeting at different km 159 km to 184th km of kasinathpur-dasuria-natore- rajshahi-nawabgonj-kansat-sona masjid-baliadighi border road part n-06 under rhd road division during the year 2020-2021.