Latest and live tenders published in bhutan. Click on any tender to view further details.
construction work;site preparation work;building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work;test drilling and boring work;works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work;building construction work;engineering works and construction works;construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork;construction work for water projects;construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry;roof works and other special trade construction works;building installation work;electrical installation work;insulation work;plumbing and sanitary works;fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work;mechanical installations;building completion work;plastering work;joinery and carpentry installation work;floor and wall covering work;painting and glazing work;other building completion work;hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator;hire of cranes with operator;hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
architectural, engineering, construction, legal, accounting and other professional services;legal, accounting, auditing, business, management and related services;legal services;accounting, auditing and fiscal services;market research, public-opinion polling and related services;business and management consultancy and related services;management holdings services;architectural, engineering, construction and related technical consultancy services;technical consultancy services;architectural and related services;engineering services;integrated engineering services;urban planning and landscape architectural services;construction-related services;engineering-related scientific and technical services;testing, inspection, analysis, monitoring and control services;technical testing and analysis services;monitoring and control services;advertising and marketing services;advertising services;marketing services;labour recruitment and provision of personnel services.;placement services of personnel.;supply services of personnel.;recruitment services.;personnel services except placement and supply services;investigation and security services;security services;investigation services;cleaning services;accommodation cleaning services;industrial cleaning services;specialised cleaning services;miscellaneous cleaning services;office cleaning services;school cleaning services;miscellaneous business and business-related services;photographic and ancillary services;packaging and related services;secretarial and related services;specialty design services;collection agency services;exhibition, fair and congress organisation services;miscellaneous business-related services
architectural, engineering, construction, legal, accounting and other professional services;legal, accounting, auditing, business, management and related services;legal services;accounting, auditing and fiscal services;market research, public-opinion polling and related services;business and management consultancy and related services;management holdings services;architectural, engineering, construction and related technical consultancy services;technical consultancy services;architectural and related services;engineering services;integrated engineering services;urban planning and landscape architectural services;construction-related services;engineering-related scientific and technical services;testing, inspection, analysis, monitoring and control services;technical testing and analysis services;monitoring and control services;advertising and marketing services;advertising services;marketing services;labour recruitment and provision of personnel services.;placement services of personnel.;supply services of personnel.;recruitment services.;personnel services except placement and supply services;investigation and security services;security services;investigation services;cleaning services;accommodation cleaning services;industrial cleaning services;specialised cleaning services;miscellaneous cleaning services;office cleaning services;school cleaning services;miscellaneous business and business-related services;photographic and ancillary services;packaging and related services;secretarial and related services;specialty design services;collection agency services;exhibition, fair and congress organisation services;miscellaneous business-related services
construction of urban road in lap v
computer and related services; hardware consultancy services; software programming and consultancy services; programming services of packaged software products; systems and technical consultancy services; custom software development services; systems analysis and programming services; system maintenance and support services; software-related services; data services; computer-related services;hardware selection consultancy services;hardware disaster-recovery consultancy services;computer-site planning consultancy services;computer hardware acceptance testing consultancy services;computer audit consultancy and hardware consultancy services;data-processing services;database services;computer-related management services;computer support and consultancy services;computer network services;computer upgrade services;computer audit services;computer testing services;computer back-up services;computer catalogue conversion services;computer-related professional services
office and computing machinery, equipment and supplies; computer and related services;office machinery, equipment and supplies except computers;word-processing machines;photocopying and printing equipment;post-office equipment;calculating and accounting machines;typewriters;parts and accessories of typewriters and calculating machines;various office equipment and supplies;computer equipment and supplies;data-processing machines;digital cartography equipment;computer hardware;software;computer systems;servers;hardware consultancy services;hardware selection consultancy services;hardware disaster-recovery consultancy services;computer-site planning consultancy services;computer hardware acceptance testing consultancy services;computer audit consultancy and hardware consultancy services;software programming and consultancy services;programming services of packaged software products;systems and technical consultancy services;custom software development services;systems analysis and programming services;system maintenance and support services;software-related services;data services;data-processing services;database services;computer-related services;computer-related management services;computer support and consultancy services;computer network services;computer upgrade services;computer audit services;computer testing services;computer back-up services;computer catalogue conversion services;computer-related professional services
construction work;site preparation work;building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work;test drilling and boring work;works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work;building construction work;engineering works and construction works;construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork;construction work for water projects;construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry;roof works and other special trade construction works;building installation work;electrical installation work;insulation work;plumbing and sanitary works;fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work;mechanical installations;building completion work;plastering work;joinery and carpentry installation work;floor and wall covering work;painting and glazing work;other building completion work;hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator;hire of cranes with operator;hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
construction work;site preparation work;building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work;test drilling and boring work;works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work;building construction work;engineering works and construction works;construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork;construction work for water projects;construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry;roof works and other special trade construction works;building installation work;electrical installation work;insulation work;plumbing and sanitary works;fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work;mechanical installations;building completion work;plastering work;joinery and carpentry installation work;floor and wall covering work;painting and glazing work;other building completion work;hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator;hire of cranes with operator;hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
construction work; site preparation work; works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work; building installation work; building completion work; hire of construction and civil engineering machinery and equipment with operator;building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work;test drilling and boring work;building construction work;engineering works and construction works;construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork;construction work for water projects;construction works for plants, mining and manufacturing and for buildings relating to the oil and gas industry;roof works and other special trade construction works;electrical installation work;insulation work;plumbing and sanitary works;fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work;mechanical installations;plastering work;joinery and carpentry installation work;floor and wall covering work;painting and glazing work;other building completion work;hire of cranes with operator;hire of earthmoving equipment with operator
building installation work; construction work; electrical installation work; insulation work; plumbing and sanitary works; fencing, railing and safety equipment installation work; mechanical installations; building completion work; plastering work; joinery and carpentry installation work; floor and wall covering work; painting and glazing work; other building completion work;